Vena Network - Exchange of Blockbuster Technology & User Asset Exchange

The ledger system is the basis of vena and it emerges to make right some activities that needs urgent attention for correction. The reason for vena's creation is due to the poor P2P mode of operations between the users in the ledger community. Trading also hasn't been well conducted among the users. Most exchange have been having issues with trading perfectly and this has been a deterrent to the use of the digital assets and the full participants of the system. The more solutions have been designed in the community, none has been able to give users what they really needed and so an adequate one is still craved. Vena now arises to this and have some strategies to bring about the standardization that is required in the system. To appreciate Vena network, we have to look more into the details of the venture and the features that back its innovation.

• Vena hopes to create a system that will enhance money financing for the customers using a digital architectural protocol. The protocol will be used expressly in the ecosystem in its various classifications and layers which are as follows;
• The basic stratum which supports the verification, management, configuration, routing and proper registration of all the different types of businesses and organisations.
• It also consists of another layer of Vena protocol that is centred on various assets of the users. This protocol type guards the financial activities of the users and it does this successfully by using a term-contract interface for the operations in the ecosystem.
- The Venous community is one important feature that mustn't be underestimated in vena. It is a very secure digital periphery for all the activities of vena and also serves as a meeting point for the users and the investors with common interest.
- The vena nodes is another feature that function as a segment in the ecosystem. Each activities have their operations on each of the nodes assigned to them and helps to prevent confusion in the community.
- Vena ecosystem allows all the holders of tokenized assets to have direct access to helpful loans and effective transactions in the peer to peer model in the ledger system. These types of transactions however, are regulated by the available protocols of vena that are in charge of this.
Users get to enjoy the benefits that comes with the improvement of the market. All forms of financial interactions is supported and users can leverage on this efficiency. Vena ensures safety in the entire processes in the ecosystem and shield users from the risks attached to the anomalies and volatility of the ledger system.
The vital structures of this framework are the nodes which plays a very key role in the services provided to the clients. Depending on their capabilities, the nodes are able to conduct two or more roles in the ecosystem and contribute to improving the market capabilities.
The vital structures of this framework are the nodes which plays a very key role in the services provided to the clients. Depending on their capabilities, the nodes are able to conduct two or more roles in the ecosystem and contribute to improving the market capabilities.
Apart from benefitting directly from the platform, users will also get the chance to be rewarded directly by veins, so there is no limit to how you can gain from vena provided you are member. Vena platform is designed such that, the more you contribute to the network, the more you get rewarded as simple as that. The bonus therefore, is meant for users and can be claimed once your contribution is apparent in the ecosystem.
Token Name: Vena
Price of PreICO: 1 ETH = 15,000 VENA
The price: 1 ETH = 10,000 VENA
Platform: Ethereum
Receives: ETH
Hard Cap: 9,000 ETH
State: Singapore
Whitelist / KYC None

The price: 1 ETH = 10,000 VENA
Platform: Ethereum
Receives: ETH
Hard Cap: 9,000 ETH
State: Singapore
Whitelist / KYC None

How to become Vena Network Juror
When you think about solution of disputes in blockchain world, do you think about signing a contract with the person, who will solving these disputes? It seems to us that Vena Network is the first project ever, which is gonna use such approach within blockchain industry.
The main goal is to make juror as motivated is possible. When juror knows that he gets reward, no matter how attentive or efficient he was, this person do not want to improve and to make the entire community better. To become a juror within Vena Network you need to make a donation to the VENA foundation. It is obvious that only payment method is Vena Token. Of course, nobody goes to work as juror forever, so this donation will be returned after expiration of contract.
Nevertheless, there is a way for juror to be resigned before the end of contact in several cases. Juror may be fined as a punishment for making unfair decisions, so when he got five fines, he will be fired. Nobody want to hold unskilled employee and Vena is not an exception. Moreover, if this person was trying to fool the Vena clients, he would not get his money back.
We consider that usage of such strict approach would help Vena jurors to stay motivated and fair. Disputes are important part of financial environment and platform, which is able to create reliable environment for solving these disputes will get a lot of attention. That is why we want you to invest in Vena Tokens now, while you still have a chance to become part of Vena and make some good profits!
Vena allows node users to gain more benefits the same way the Venous users are enabled. Finally, it presents regular incentives for users in competitions and ensures the stability of the market and other digital assets management. It provides full transparency and is highly secured for the type of operations it does.
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Author : Husen Alikhsan
Profile :;u=2094826
ETH Wallet : 0xfc01881e3172f28585f397cf61bC06696DF8a152
Profile :;u=2094826
ETH Wallet : 0xfc01881e3172f28585f397cf61bC06696DF8a152
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